HARRIS Safety Management & Training specializes in providing onsite safety professionals for your project and to supplement your company’s ongoing safety initiatives. Whether your project is one week or multiple years in duration we have the depth and expertise to assist with your safety staffing needs.

HARRIS Safety Management & Training provides a full compliment of safety training that ranges from basic awareness classes to OSHA 10-Hour and 30-Hour training, Competent Person and CPR/First Aid Classes. “Train the Trainer” curriculums are also available for both construction and general industry.

Our NEW Cost-Effective
OSHA Compliance Packages
Designed For Small Business
Imagine achieving and maintaining COMPLETE safety compliance quickly for a fraction of the cost of a full-time EHS Manager.
Next, consider NOT having to worry about major OSHA and MOSH fines.
That's the benefit of being a part of the HARRIS SM&T Compliance Program, our hands-on, customized, EHS management service.
Essentially, HARRIS SM&T becomes your very own Safety Compliance Department.

Is anyone handling your company’s safety program?
May be you’re not happy with your current safety service.
If you’re not a current HARRIS SM&T client, we’d like to give you a free Safety Consultation & Report.
There’s no obligation, but we hope you like what we do for you & come on board with HARRIS SM&T!